LeadershipClass Issues Initiative 2018-2019
November 13, 2019 | By LFWA unique element of LeadershipClass is the execution of Issues Initiative projects performed by participant teams that positively impact the Fort Worth Community.
These carefully identified strategic projects allow all class members to gain in-depth knowledge about a specific community problem, to interact with those most involved with that issue and to connect their resources and networks to make a positive difference.
Issues of concern in the community are identified in conjunction with the mayor and other content experts. Teams of (8-12 depending on class size) class members work together throughout the program year using a structured approach to develop solutions that will ultimately be presented to key community stakeholder audiences and the LFW Forum membership.
The goals of the LFW Issues Initiatives are to complete high-impact projects that:
- Augment a local non-profit’s staffing with talented volunteer resources that help them address an issue that they could not otherwise tackle
- Establish clear objectives and specific, tangible outcomes that will clearly benefit the community
- Deliver solutions that are data-based (research component)
- Engage external resources (sources from class member networks) in a meaningful way
- Provide knowledge transfer of the solution, including key steps for sustainability, to the non-profit and its key stakeholders
What will be different in our community because of each Issues Initiative project?Is the plan realistic? Are the results tangible? Will the results stick?
AFTER SCHOOL ARTS: Imagination Fort Worth
Challenge: To create and provide a relevant, innovative and impactful informal educational opportunity for middle school youth that:
- Is offered during “out of school time”
- Addresses social/emotional gaps in the youth
- Integrates arts experiences
- Meets real world interests and needs of kids in high-need communities
Outcome: Designed one ‘OST’ (out of school time) program with compelling appeal that 1-2 learning sites in FWISD will wish to implement. The program will be piloted at Como Montessori School and at one community program location in the Stop Six area during the 2019-20 academic year.
Challenge: To market a new world-class board training and matching program to untapped and eager community members.
Outcome: Created a marketing strategy to recruit businesses, nonprofits, and individuals to participate in world-class board development program that yields a large pipeline of high-quality, diverse leaders, as well as a mechanism for matching these candidates to open positions on non-profit boards of directors.
Challenge: To increase local capacity by an additional 250 foster families and to keep our abused and neglected children here in our community, rather than being relocated, so they can receive the care and support that they need to become self-sustaining, healthy individuals.
Outcome: Designed a comprehensive social media strategy and marketing campaign to increase the number of families licensed as foster families so there can be more local placements of children in our community. This strategy was deployed to all placement agencies in Tarrant County to provide an easy, low-cost marketing solution that addresses a big need.
Challenge: Prevent, protect, and prosecute financial exploitation of aging and/or disabled vulnerable adults in Tarrant County.
Outcome: Designed an in-home financial literacy program to expand GSI’s Money Management Program to serve the at-risk elder population and prevent financial abuse.
ACCESS TO GAINFUL EMPLOYMENT: City of Fort Worth Neighborhood Services Department
Challenge: To build a comprehensive employment and training strategy that utilizes the community’s resources and addresses the barriers to self-sufficiency associated with employment and training?
Outcome: Created a comprehensive strategy to facilitate access to the community’s employment and wraparound resources. Addressed the barriers to self-sufficiency associated with employment and training through the strategy launch at the newly opened EnVision Center in Cavile/Stop Six.
INTERNATIONAL DATABASE: Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce
Challenge: Identify those global target markets that align with our industries, culture and resources to promote foreign direct investment in our area.
Outcome: Developed a strategy to pursue targeted international markets for business development purposes for the Fort Worth area. The database and initial interviews have provided a sustainable approach that the Chamber of Commerce will use to continue their research and identify the benefits and opportunities in marketing Fort Worth to new international businesses and industries.
To learn more about our LeadershipClass program, please visit.
Tags: LeadershipClass